Wednesday 14 February 2018

Smart Meters – How Helpful for the Customers?

Contemporarily, consumers make smart moves to monitor their electricity consumption. Smart meters convert existing infrastructure into an AMI, offering utilities with the option to put into action both post- paid and prepaid metering. Our solutions make sure two ways reliable communication between the backend servers and the meter, allowing total control of the meter. It works well for both single and three phase meters

Energy Meter

With smart meters and AMI solutions, users may find easy visibility in to their consumption through consumer portal. Prepaid customers can access their prepaid balance, usage history and other vital information via a web portal or through a mobile application. This auto-generated software notifies customers of low balance, pending disconnect and other vital information via email, an automated phone call or through SMS text message. Such websites are quite useful for the customers as they can check their energy usage and so that they can adjust consumption to reduce household energy expenses.

Ethernet communication module makes easy to connect smart meters to the backend servers for more secured communications. Users can access it through a web page interface.

Two possible ways that using NB-IOT communication modules for communicating with meters will benefit utilities and consumers:

1. Smart meters provide customers with data and transparency on energy consumption and this automatically reduce energy consumption and magnify energy efficiency.

2. Smart meters nourishing into smart grid and allow utilities including household and companies to best manage bi-directional power flows of their grids and this allows customer to best understand their own energy infrastructure investment.

 So, connect smart meters using NB-IoT communication module to relish both short-term and long-term benefits.

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